Friday, December 27, 2013

Automate Your Home And Industrial Space And Enjoy Convenience At Your Fingertips!

The very utterance of the term ‘Automation’ will transport you to a world of immense possibilities in convenience and comfort – at home and at work, at the hotel and at the hospital, at the factory and at the institute, and the list goes on. Automation is the automatic control of activities through use of control systems like PLC, SCADA, etc. including the internet and connection with electricity. There are two types of Automation – home automation and industrial automation.

Home Automation:

It refers to automation of repetitive activities at home. Improved security, energy efficiency, enhanced comfort and convenience are what the dwellers enjoy. Right from centralized control of lighting, HVAC, fans, curtains, sprinklers of the lawn to appliances, TV, audio, security systems, and more, the scope of home automation includes all. This technology is a boon to the differently abled and the elderly, who can manage repetitive activities without the support of caregivers. Everything can be controlled from a smart user interface (smart phone, i-pad) with the touch of a few buttons.

The integration of the Internet, smart phones / tablet, and automation control systems has simplified lives like never before. What was not affordable yesterday is affordable today! Installation of control systems happens with connectivity with electrical wires; it is more cost effective in new buildings when electrical wires are laid. Home automation is also feasible in old buildings with little refurbishments. The same applies with industrial automation.

Industrial Automation:

It is a blend of reduction of operational costs, involvement of few manpower, enhanced security, improved productivity, and increased energy efficiency that the use of industrial automation is widely popular in myriad industry segments including factories, hotels, hospitals, malls, trade buildings, offices, institutes, etc. With industrialists emphasizing more on energy efficiency in industrial processes, industrial automation technology is only gaining impetus by the day!

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